Monday, February 18, 2013

Retro - Or should I say antique(?) - Lamp

I've finally managed to repair the lamp I inherited from my grandmother last summer.

Hopefully it will be elecrtically safe to use, now when I've replaced all the old wires and cables with new ones and so on. It's not easy to keep yourself from not becoming a little anxious about the lamp being energized though, especially when stating the fact that all of it is actually made out of some sort of metall... Well, at least I've done my very best!

 If I was smarter (and richer, or alternatively had better contacts) I would probably have a qualified electrician to take a look at it before putting it into use, but now I don't so.... We´ll hope for the best and I guess I can always learn from my mistakes otherwise!
 - Kids, don't try this at home as long as you're not willing to take the risk of getting some unintended electroshock therapy!!!

 I guess this could be a pretty good adwise for those of you who are on your way moving out, getting your first own apartment or so: Check with your relatives and friends and friends of friends before buying new stuff to your new home. There's always stuff lurking in the dark of peoples sheds, attics, basements, etc.

First of all: I'ts better from an environmental perspective!!!
Second: It's cheaper!!
Third: It makes your furnishings more personal, unique and thereby so much more You!


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Steven Wilson

Amazing video!! Incredibly well done, Love it! Ineresting aesthetics, sets the world inside of me in motion.
