Sunday, December 15, 2013

A protest against todays porn industry

We had an assignment in school to re-do a well known work of art and reflect upon its original message and then change it in our new production. I chose to do a mash-up between Salvador Dalís:

 "The burning Giraffe"


"The Elephants"

"The burning Giraffe" was made during the time of the spanish civil war and you could easily distinguish the concern from Dalís behalf about that in the feeling of the choice of colour in the painting . The drawers in the faceless womans chest/leg are symbols of inner, hidden, subconscious thoughts - the very heart of Surrealism's intent to explore the world of dreams. As the drawers are empty though, I see it as the woman has been deprived of her most precious belongings and natural rights.

"The Elephants" I think of as a work that is supposed to symbolize a wounded psyche. Or, I'm not sure how to explain this, but it's like you are putting to much weight upon your own shoulders that you are no longer capable of carrying it.
The massive bodies of the elephants and those legs thin as needles...
An intresting aspect of the painting are the floating obelisks on top of the elephants backs. Seeing it through another perspectiv the painting could symbolize that if you are experiencing a high pressure from the ones around you and the culture you come from, you could reach far in a career or in the world. Llong legs takes long leaps. As the animals are elephants, the ones who never forgett, this could refer to an ability to remember a lot of stuff - or cleaverness, wisdom - which also often is seen as a need to become successful. That the legs are so thin, alas, should mean that this is a very insecure way of managing your life.
It's like "Oh, watch it! If you place your foot wrong just a single time you will end up breaking it... and a couple of more parts of your body".
 .. Or psyche, if you prefer.    

And in my painting I still want the woman to symbolize someone who has been deprived from the rights to her/his own body. "The burning giraffe" is about a war and my painting is too, just not in the same way.
The elephant is walking across the world as a gesture of that the porn industry comprises the entire world. As you can see the animal isn't as distinct as the one in Dalís because it forms the shape of a human sitting in front of it's computer screen as well. I am not going to clarify why the person is there, think it's kinda obvious from my intentions with the work. If the animal hadn't been an elephant, though, I would probably not have chosen this angle of incidence for the message of the painting.

Be aware of the fact that will be generalizing in the following text:
As I mentioned before elephants are know as the ones that never forgett...
I would, contrariwise, like for all of us to forgett this whole thing about the porn industry that humiliates women (and very seldom men) and  makes young men and women of today grow up and think that good sex should look like that (because it's obviously not necessarily true).

Young people of today should change their view upon sex. When a someone gets sexually violated in school, the teachers shouldn't ask the offer if she/he wants to go and see the counselor or a psyciatrist, what the hell has that person done that is wrong?! If there is somone who should talk it's the boy or girl who has behaved unappropriate, he/she is the one that got promblems in its head, not the offer. Why is it that it's mostly boys that do this to girls and not the other way around? Physical strange? A way to show authority? Or is it beacause girls already have got it out from their systems? I mean, in kindergarten it's more common that girls run around and chases boys to get a kiss and they don't get told that that is wrong to do. Or am I wrong here, am I the only one who has experienced occasions like that? Maybe boys then learn that this kind of behaviour is okey - whilst it is not - and get some kind of need to revenge that pops up later in life...
But then why do most girls learn that it isn't right to do such things and more boys do not?
Girls have been taught to talk for ages now, it's time for us to start educating the boys to do the same.
And that doesn't mean to teach them have to talk about and organize a gangbang. NO.
I mean that they need to talk about and understand what real love is and how it should feel. We ALL need to learn how to respect, appreciate and treat each other in an appropriate way.

Isn't it tragical that in todays society we seem to be able to be so independent that we no longer have to care for (take care of) one another?




Thursday, December 12, 2013

I have something to say, that won't tell you anything at all

How many conversations do you listen to each day, or even partisipate in, without really giving a freaking shit about its content?

Why is it that we for all our lives have cared about people we don't really care about? We've heard them out and we've heard them shout, now what's that all about?

Strange thing that the air is so full of bullshit that when someone actually have got something new and pretty important to say, no one is able to hear it as they are to busy trying to avoid the white noise that has crawled into their own head.
Eating their brains from the inside.

As I see it, there is two ways of reacting to this problem of todays society:

1. Get angry as hell - burning that is - like furious sparklers and scream your opinion in someones face (alternative; use violence).
2. Give up, become a tragic melancholiacs and sit quite in a corner of a room until you have forgotten how to make an opinion (alternative; kill yourself).

I hope you have already come to realize it, but none of these alternatives are good ones.
The sadest thing about it is that most of the time the people who are simply stupid are the ones that falls within the lines of category number 1. Meanwhile the ones that impressively enough has figure something out about life, falls in category number 2. This simply leads us to the conclusion that people who are like smart-smart, is an endangered species.

Futher on we have a serious problem as this conclusion makes up for a society that will loop in a downward spiral where people stop listening to one another.
Cause the ones that are talking are not presenting their opinion in a way that makes you wanna take them seriously and the inverted people are simply.. Not saying anything.
They both have a bad connection and are not succeeding in getting the others attention.

They have either choosed not to listen or they have so different backgrounds that even if they try to understand each other, they won't manage.

What does it mean to be bipolar? Is this it?
