Thursday, December 12, 2013

I have something to say, that won't tell you anything at all

How many conversations do you listen to each day, or even partisipate in, without really giving a freaking shit about its content?

Why is it that we for all our lives have cared about people we don't really care about? We've heard them out and we've heard them shout, now what's that all about?

Strange thing that the air is so full of bullshit that when someone actually have got something new and pretty important to say, no one is able to hear it as they are to busy trying to avoid the white noise that has crawled into their own head.
Eating their brains from the inside.

As I see it, there is two ways of reacting to this problem of todays society:

1. Get angry as hell - burning that is - like furious sparklers and scream your opinion in someones face (alternative; use violence).
2. Give up, become a tragic melancholiacs and sit quite in a corner of a room until you have forgotten how to make an opinion (alternative; kill yourself).

I hope you have already come to realize it, but none of these alternatives are good ones.
The sadest thing about it is that most of the time the people who are simply stupid are the ones that falls within the lines of category number 1. Meanwhile the ones that impressively enough has figure something out about life, falls in category number 2. This simply leads us to the conclusion that people who are like smart-smart, is an endangered species.

Futher on we have a serious problem as this conclusion makes up for a society that will loop in a downward spiral where people stop listening to one another.
Cause the ones that are talking are not presenting their opinion in a way that makes you wanna take them seriously and the inverted people are simply.. Not saying anything.
They both have a bad connection and are not succeeding in getting the others attention.

They have either choosed not to listen or they have so different backgrounds that even if they try to understand each other, they won't manage.

What does it mean to be bipolar? Is this it?


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